
 Yesterday, Monroe asked me: Aren’t there people in the USA who call themselves Christians who truly want a Theocracy here – somewhat like the Taliban described below? Absolutely. The scariest of the bunch (in my opinion) are the ones…  [more]

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Close call

 Friends, Four years ago this week, I forwarded this now-prescient speech by Ray Close: It’s a long read, but remarkable in how accurately he anticipated the problems that would arise from this administration’s folly.  Well worth reading a second…  [more]

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War’s price tag

 Pretend for a moment the war is occurring in a vacuum and we’re not even considering the cost to Iraq and its neighbors.  According to an article published today in New Statesman, the cost for the war and for caring…  [more]

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Baptists in Levantium

 Interesting history.  Thank you very much.  I’m curious, because it wasn’t mentioned in the article and perhaps wasn’t germane, but how much Baptist work in Israel/Palestine is with Jewish (secular and confessing) persons and how much is with non-Jewish (i.e.,…  [more]

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Børre’s nightmare We left Beirut at 9 yesterday and were back 12 hours later. Drove to Sidon and checked in with the army to get permission to enter the occupation zone evacuated by the Israelis in 2000 and which is finally…  [more]

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What is trvth?

 Posted by Mike West,, 07 March 2007 11:01 When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, ‘What is truth?’, he put his finger on a big issue. Many of us have been brought up with the belief that a thing can…  [more]

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Pray for the little ones

The concluding paragraph of Fisk’s end-of-year summary: If Lebanon survives into next year, it will be the only “democracy” in the Arab world to have done so. Afghanistan is crumbling, Iraq is already a mass grave. The Palestinians face their…  [more]

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